Wednesday 1 March 2017

Coursework Evaluation : Question 3

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The media institute that would issue our media product would depend on how we were to continue the plot of our film. If we continued with the aim of creating a film that would create a mass profit, it would be distributed by companies such as 'DreamWorks' and 'Marvel' because they produce films that sell to a large target audience, have well-known actors in their cast and invest in advertising. They also produce merchandise that extends the interest in the film and allows them to make more money. Due to this, they would probably want a lighter hearted film with a simple to follow plot so younger audiences could follow the plot.

If we were to continue our film making our film as artistic as possible. Companies such as ‘Warp films', 'Handmade films' and the BFI usually produce more artistic, original films. Which don’t create a high profit like larger companies but they do produce more intriguing harder to follow plot films, specified to a certain age range.

However some films do tend to be released straight to Netflix or he internet as people have a wider access to the internet nowadays. One of the best things about marketing to the social media sector is that you can advertise to the exact demographics you are trying to reach.

Due to this, I think our film would probably be more likely to be distributed by industries such as the BFI, ‘Warp films’ and ‘Handmade films’ or online as its not a conventional film.

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