Thursday 16 February 2017

Coursework Construction : Filming review

Filming Review


Monday 16th Jan (6:30 - 7:15)

What went well?
We filmed the majority of our shots today, which I think went very well. We used different features on the canon 60D to create a variety of different shots so that our film opening wasn't all the same and the audience didn't get bored whilst watching the opening 2 minutes.

What didn't go so well?
We had a small time constraint, so we didn't get all the shots we wanted but we'll have to re-shoot soon. Also, once we had learnt how to use the manual focus on the new camera we got some ideas for different shots we could have filmed, but didn't quite get to try all of the things we wanted e.g. burning paper, but we can try this when we re-film next week.

Anything that might/ does need to be re-filmed?
We are concerned about the quantity of the shots, and I feel like there may not be enough footage to fill 2 whole minutes. This means we'll have to re-film in the next couple of days/months so we can start editing, which takes much more time.

Did everything run smoothly?
Filming ran very smoothly, probably because we all knew each other ideas and shared any plans we wanted to happen in the team, beforehand, so filming didn't take too much time in the time we had. We filmed for a couple hours straight, and then went over the footage, last minute to see what we could use, re-film, or discard.

Any changes you are making?
We are very happy with how everything is going, and don't have any current plans of changing our direction.

Did you use your storyboards to good effect?
We tried to stick to our storyboards as much as possible, but we had several instances where we wanted to experiment with props or try a new idea, which didnt always work out, but means that we didn't follow our storyboards, necessarily.

Tuesday 24th Jan (5:00-6:00)

After we realised we did not have enough footage to fill 2 whole minutes, we re-filmed some shots, the following week. This filming was quick as we only had 30 seconds to fill, so we finished filming in under an hour. Filming went fairly smoothly, except for a problem for 10 minutes where we had to stop due to a power cut, meaning we couldn't use the lights we wanted. Other than that, there were no ther problems. For any changes we are making, there was a plan in the air that could have gone ahead. The idea was to change direction and add in shots of derelict or abandoned buildings in areas, nearby, to add into the film opening in anticipation of whats to come next in the film. We decided that we wanted our film opening to work how we wanted originally, so we didn't go further with the idea. This time filming, we used the storyboards even less than our first time filming. This is mainly because we had in mind what we wanted to try and film and didn't want to take too long experimenting when we knew what to film.


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