Thursday 3 November 2016

Practice : Mise en scene 2 minute final ideas

2 minute opening to a feature film, focused on Mise-en-scene (finalised ideas)

Final Idea
The final idea we settled on was of two boys, who had been murdered, stalking and watching a man as he leaves his workplace.

It would start out with the man working on his computer for a few seconds, and then getting up to leave. Before he does leave however, he picks up a newspaper quickly and we see the headline: "BOYS BUTCHERED". He throws the newspaper in the bin, and then leaves the office.

It cuts to him walking down a path, presumably to his house. However, as he walks past some trees, two boys, blood covered and muddy handed are seen peering through the trees. They're ghosts; but this is shown to the audience by having the boys doing something fairly loud and active, and the man pays no attention. It then ends with the man walking through a gate, and the boys have somehow appeared right behind him.
- noah

Final Characters and Casting
Our film will feature only three characters: two ghost boys and a man.

Not much will be learnt about the man during the two minute opening. Just from his appearance, the audience can guess his age. He will be returning from an office - suggested to be his workplace - and the audience knows that he's in an office based occupation but it won't be hinted as to what exactly he does. The man has no dialogue and his performance will be very plain so no personality traits are suggested. The man will be played by our group member's dad, who looks the role as he is an appropriate age. Moreover, he can help the other cast members feel comfortable acting around him as he is related to them.


The two people we decided to cast in the project was our group member's cousins, as they were the only people who could fit the age boundaries who were also willing to perform the role. They were brothers, so they suited the image of brothers that we had in our head when conceiving the plot, therefore they look similar and the concept of twin brothers has a more eerie appeal, as opposed to the comedic look to two very contrasting looking characters. Not much is revealed about the children's characters. It is suggested that they are ghosts because the man doesn't notice them despite them performing such loud and blatant activities. Moreover, they have a quite sinister appeal to them because they're constantly watching the man, which appears quite intimidating because they don't break their stare. At the the same time as giving off a scary aura, they also show that they're playful and cheeky - just like normal boys their age would be. This is because in some shots they're seen playfully wrestling each other. Moreover, it shows their cheeky disposition because of how close they come to the man, which is quite daring as well. This may suggest what they were like as characters before they died, as it doesn't fit with the intimidating vibe they eject when they keep themselves hidden while staring at the man. I wanted the occasionally effect it creates when they play together to show that there still is past characterisations in them despite being ghosts. There's a portion of their natures they had when they were alive ebbing through.

Final Location

The final location we chose was the office my dad has in our house, it said office but it didn't specify what type of office and since we couldn't get hold of an office in the city centre we chose to use the office in my house, but we wont make it obvious or known that it is a home office as the scene after is him walking through ketts park, on the path that leads from the estate to the business estate on his way home so it would make no sense having him walk from his house to his house, and wouldn't be what we were looking to achieve.

Prop List
Not many props are used; one we had to make is a newspaper cover. I took that task on, by taking a logo from "The Daily Bugle" from the Spider-Man movies (I thought it'd be a cool Easter egg), and constructing some fake headlines around it, including "Is Dat Boi REALLY Waddup?" and "Touis Lomlinson leaves 'Wrong Direction'" I then added in some random words to make it seem like there was a story on the front. - Noah


The final costume for the male lead would be basic office wear clothing, as it looks professional and therefore more believable that he has just come from work. As for the children's costumes, they will have blood and muddy hands - this messy appearance would make it look like they had been victims of a crime, and therefore was appropriate. On the other hand, we still wanted to maintain the innocence as they were very young, this was shown through their general attire. Wearing casual children's clothes makes them look their age and therefore channel innocence. It also suits the shots in which they are playing because there is still a side of human left to them and we didn't want to make them entirely intimidating.

Final Lighting plans
Our final lighting plans to meet the specification, is we're going to film the part with artificial lighting when its dark outside to the artificial light shows up even more, or just simply film with the lights on and to film the second half with him walking home outside to fulfil the natural lighting aspect.

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