Tuesday 18 October 2016

Coursework : Diamond Nine

Diamond Nine

This week we were given an A4 piece of paper and told to write 9 different things onto the paper, each being a key feature of a film or short film, after writing the 9 features onto the paper we were told to organise the features into a 1-9 graph, 1 being at the top and being the most important feature and 9 being the least important feature.

I organised mine like this, I put camera angles and shots at the top because I believe its important otherwise your audience gets bored quickly and loses interest in what's happening in scenes. I put use dialog last because more often than not openings to films don't use dialog at all. I thought making sure the audience understands what's happening was very important otherwise the film wouldn't make any sense. Creativity and originality Is obviously important because you don't want to copy other peoples work. I thought giving an indication of genre, introducing characters and introducing a setting weren't overly important but they also weren't unimportant so they were in the top 6. Title and credits seemed unimportant at the start of a film, I thought they were only important at the end of the film. Starting at the beginning is unimportant to me as most films either start as a flashback or start half way through the film and catch up.

After we had looked at the mark scheme for our exam board, I changed some of my answers.
I moved creativity and originality, I moved it to the top. Titles and credits moved upwards as the exam board considers them a priority. Dialog and give an indication of genre moved too, and start at the beginning is now at the bottom because the exam board didn't specify anything towards starting at the beginning

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