Monday 12 September 2016

Practice : Prelimary Exercise

Hello again,

Last Friday our group (Me, Jack and Tasmine) completed our Preliminary exercise. This was a continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and siting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. Within this task we had to demonstrate a match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.

What is the 180 degree rule?
The 180 degree rule is a shot based against a wall or in such a frame that you cant film a 360 degree angle around the characters. Imagine you’re looking the a scene from the side. You can see the whole scene, in context of  our task you couldn't see past the divider. You need to imagine a line between the two characters. This is called the axis of action. Then we need to keep the camera on one side of that line. If you break the rule you have ‘crossed the line‘. This is called the 180 degree rule because the camera can’t move more than 180 degrees (half a circle) around the characters.

What is match-on-action?
Match on action shots are when the camera follows a character directly or when a character is moving. Action is continuous despite the cut in shots.

What is shot/reverse shot?
Shot reverse shot is when you shoot first in one direction, then in the other direction.
The shots work together because the camera is still (just) on the same side of the characters as it was in the long shot. When the shots are edited together, we understand that they are looking at each other, because they are looking in the same direction as they were in Shot 1.

How did it go?
I thought ours went okay, we had a relatable and easy scripted plot. We wrote about something we all know which was joining a new 6th form and the stresses that come with that. We casted two of our friends who had free periods at the same time as our lesson so they didn't miss out on their lessons. For our location we chose the café as a friendly meeting point between the two characters. The equipment such as camera, SD card and tripod were easy enough to use and didn't cause any problems. Jack was the camera guy and Tasmine and I helped align shots. I edited using premier pro as I knew how to use the program.

Setting up the blog went smooth as well since I already had a Gmail account so it was a simple set up.

What would you change/do better if you had the chance to do the task again?
If I had the chance to do the task again I wouldn't use the café as my set up since we couldn't hear the actors and was a lot of background noise, customers were also an issue as some shots had some customers in and others didn't. I would also have cast a different female acting as she was not very loud or into the part.

Talk soon

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